A time of remembrance
This week marks the anniversary of the day my maternal grandmother left this earth to join her Heavenly father. Although for those of us left, it brings back many bittersweet memories; we rejoice in the joy of seeing her again one day.
My grandmother was one of the most influential women in my life. She taught me how to embroider, she taught me the joys of cooking (hers was better than mine) but most of all, she taught me about the Savior. You see, few people know that she became a Christian later in life. She was in her early forties when an American Missionary Fellowship(formerly the American Sunday School Union) missionary visited her and her family and shared the gospel. This wonderful man probably has no idea the impact that he had on my grandmother and subsequently the whole family. Because of his faithfulness, we now have several family members in full time Christian Service. My grandmother wasn't a perfect individual, however she was privileged to lead many souls to Christ, and she and my grandfather transported many young people to church in their day. They also helped with Native American missions and were responsible for helping to further a Bible Camp ministry. The lessons that I learned from my grandmother and her life were many, but the greatest lesson that I learned is that you are never too old to serve Christ and you are never to old to come to Him. How about you? Do you know Him today? If not, it's never too late to come to Him.
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